
Pleasanton, KS Local Services Listings

2 results

Win your home Free and Clear EVEN if you are in Foreclosure

Win your home Free and Clear EVEN if you are in Foreclosure Mortgages have ended up in trusts with investors all over the world and when foreclosure occurs the firm foreclosing cannot prove they have the legal right to foreclose. The Note and the Deed of Trust or Mortgage were separated. When no one can clearly prove they have the legal right to foreclose on a mortgage the home owner ca...

Juli Zwemlessen

Zwemschool de Tuimelaer is het aanbieden van zwemlessen in de hele maand juli. De lessen zijn open voor alle leeftijden en expertise. Dit is de perfecte manier om af te koelen in de hete zomer. Kom bij ons vandaag of onze website voor meer informatie op te bezoeken.
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